Native Plants Farm Experience
We are leasing with Sacred Grove to offer a unique hands-on experience about Australian native plants in South Australia. Nestled within the beautiful and peaceful surrounding of the Adelaide Hills this unique farm of native medicinal plants is awaiting for you.
Allow yourself to deepen your knowledge and experience Australia native plants, including Irmangka-Irmangka, Sandalwood, Native Pine and many others. These plants have been traditionally used for medicinal purposes and continue today to be the key ingredients of our natural products available in our online shop and on-site at the Aboriginal Traditional Healing Centre in Adelaide.
The Native Plants Farm Experience includes a tour of the farm, hands-on experience with plants, knowledge of different plants and native bush food.
Optional on site: Ngangkari healers will be providing individual healing treatments on request pending availability of ngangkari on the date.
Location: Sacred Grove – 32 Milang Rd, Belvidere SA
For more information please contact directly Edmund at 0476 658 539.